You Searched For: Keyword(s): Lavender, Category: Flowers
Basket of Cheer
Spread a little Cheer with Carnations, Mini Carnations, Daisies and more!
FTD C14-3072
FTD Light of My Life Bouquet
Lasting Love
Beautiful stargazer lilies, Lavender roses, green carnations and wax flowers arranged in a pink rose vase.
Lavender Bliss Bouquet
Beautiful shades of Lavender.
Natures Assortment
Assorted both in color and flowers wrapped in paper.
Petite and Pretty
Pink Asiatic lilies, yellow roses, yellow and Lavender pomps in a white washed basket.
Pretty in Purple
One of our favorites, all purple flowers in a vase
Roses and Daisies
Cute white washed basket filled with pink roses, Lavender daisies, yellow daisies and babies breath.
Shades of Lavender
Vase with blue/Lavender hydrangea and Lavender roses, with a raffia bow
Soft Sunshine
White washed basket filled with a yellow lily, pink roses, yellow and Lavender pomps.
Spring Sensations
White washed basket filled with stargazer lilies, Lavender roses, hot pink mini carnations, purple alstromeria, Lavender and white pomps.
Rose Enchantment
Roses arranged in a vase for local delivery only.
Moderate Dish Garden
Assorted green plants combined in a low dish
Vase of Stargazers
Collection of stargazer lillies